Fabricación de papel y cartón ondulados; fabricación de envases y embalajes de papel y cartón

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L'Aldea - Baix Ebre (Tarragona - Cataluña)


Fabricación de artículos de papel y de cartón

Productos y servicios

Fabricación de embalajes de cartón ondulado y otros productos relacionados

Fabricación de papel y cartón ondulados; fabricación de envases y embalajes de papel y cartón
Fabricación de papel y cartón
Fabricación de papel y cartón ondulados; fabricación de envases y embalajes de papel y cartón
Fabricación de papel y cartón
Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboard
Manufacture of paper and paperboard
The company, based in Spain, is engaged in the manufacture of cardboard and cardboard boxes. It began its activity in 1954, taking advantage of the agricultural resources of its area based on the culture of rice. From the residual straw, the company began its production of paper. The company operates four production plants located in Tarragona, where the company is also headquartered, Sevilla, Barcelona and Zaragoza. The company is the leader company in the corrugated cardboard sector in Spain, with two centers of production and two centers of manipulation. The technological development in the process of manufacture of corrugated carboard allows the company to create new flutes and their possible combinations. Therefore, the company gets surfaces which are optimal for high quality flexographic printing. Together with the new printing systems, new technologies in the manufacturing of clichés and a structural design aimed at the functionality of the container and its contents allow the company to offer a high quality product which can satisfy all the packing needs with its best guaranty. The company operates through the Structural Design department and the Graphic Design department. The Structural Design department develops structural designs, with an extensive experience in the making and developing of structural designs, aimed at solving any packaging requirements within the possibilities of its productive elements. The Graphic Design department is experts in the technical requirements for flexographic printing and marketing techniques. The company is committed to competitiveness, by offering its customers a range of services that without doubt will bring added value to its relations.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal


CP: 24617 - L'ALDEA (Tarragona)

Tlf: +34 977704000
Fax: +34 977705010

Web: www.dapsa.es